Why The Kardashians Are Smarter Than You!


 Yes, I said it. The Kardashians are smarter than you and me. A majority of the human race is ready to smack me in the head and banish me to the Island of Elba (Fun Fact: Napoleon’s location of exile) but hear me out. Funny thing is when I tried to Google “Kardashians are smart”, nothing popped up! So, I guess no one is agreement with my thought but entertain me for a few minutes! As a blogger and someone who has worked in the marketing industry, branding is key! We work all day and night to come up with ideas to promote ourselves, our company, products; whatever it is, The Kardashians have it down to a science. Self-promotion is their specialty and I want their secret! You know you want it, too!

The Kardashians rose to fame thanks to their father, Robert Kardashian Sr., who was the infamous defense attorney for the O.J. Simpson trial. Now, that’s a whole different story and I don’t even feel like getting into that! Kris Jenner, a former flight attendant, raised the bar with her powerhouse “momager” execution of public relations and marketing. I don’t care what anyone thinks, Kris Jenner is a marketing genius when it comes to branding. They have built a Hollywood empire in just a few short years. 

Let’s start with America’s favorite guilty pleasure, Kim Kardashian. Many identify Ms. K with that plump bottom, that cry face, and her roller coaster of a life . Yet, many forget that Kim originally began her career as Paris Hilton’s assistant and if you’re like me, a crazy reality show junkie, you remember Paris and Nicole (The Simple Life) treating her like a peasant on their show even calling her a “ho”. LOL She cleaned Paris Hilton’s closet and called herself a wardrobe stylist. Then, magically one weekend, she needed her fix and decided to get down and dirty with then boyfriend, Ray J. C’mon now, making a sex tape with Ray J? She had to know that was going to end badly. When the family heard of the release of the scandalous video, instead of going into hiding and vowing to stay out of the public’s eye, Kris Jenner embraced it and made a monetary deal with the production company. I guess you can hide all you want but it’s never going to go away, so why not make money off of it. That’s when it all started, perfectly timed with the premier of their show, Keeping Up With The Kardashians. Kim and the rest of the brood were launched into the media spotlight all thanks to mom! 


Another thing that’s mind boggling about the Kardashians is that one of them convinced the egotistical maniac, Kanye West, to fall in love with her. Is that even possible? Kanye West loves himself more than anything in the world and somehow Kim managed to take some of Kanye’s attention away from his own reflection. At their wedding this past weekend, I’m surprised he didn’t walk down the aisle to himself. The man is a freak of nature and just not normal! I digress, the Kardashians possess some magical chemical that attracts this kind of craziness. 

I don’t know about you but when someone is considered famous in the media, it’s usually a result from some kind of talent, right? Bruce Jenner, an Olympic Gold Medalist, makes sense that he would be on the cover of cereal boxes and magazines, but he prefers to lay low. Kim, Khloe, Kourtney, Kendall, Kylie, and Kris (yes, she needs the limelight, too!) are blasted on every magazine cover and every segment on E!. For what? There’s no doubt about it that these women are beautiful but Kendall is the only model. They are store owners and fashion designers now but this much exposure doesn’t correlate with the rest of the Hollywood standard. It would make sense if they were Oscar winners, releasing #1 songs in the world, but they are famous for being who they are! In today’s world, social media is everything and they K clan have taken 100% advantage of every outlet. Don’t get me wrong, I never said they weren’t talented, they just aren’t what we consider to be “Hollywood” famous (actors, authors, etc.) They are a prime example of entrepreneurs and opportunists. Truth is, you can’t hate on them for being successful and numbers don’t lie. 



The joke’s on us! As much as the world loves to hate them for doing only what they know best, we are the reason for the position that they’re in today. We made them famous because we are secretly obsessed with them whether it is what they’re wearing, who they’re dating, or if they say something stupid. Everyone knows who they are and we continue to feed into their world. I am the first to admit that I watch their shows, find them oddly interesting, I am a fan of Khloe, and I think they’re good at what they do.They’re everywhere and even started recruiting (Kanye West, Scott Disick, The Jenners, etc.) This popularity was all due to market strategy, timing, and utilizing every media resource. At the end of the day, we all crave to have a solid brand and multiple open doors of opportunity like these wonder women but what we don’t see behind closed doors is the hard work and determination. Hats off to Kris Jenner and her machine of never ending publicity and creative ploys.  So, if you’re sitting there disagreeing with me and ranting about how they’re such a waste of time, take a minute and think, because you just wasted your time reading an article about the Kardashians and then proceeded to get frustrated about them. Point made. Bye, Dolls. 


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