
FancyPants Favorites! My Top Beauty Picks!

These are just a few products that I have been loving and couldn’t help but want to share with everyone! What’s exciting is that these are all super affordable products with high quality results! Enjoy!


Facial Cleanser- Cetaphil


I have super sensitive skin and my face is oily so it’s difficult to find a cleanser that won’t cause breakouts and clog my pores. I’ve been using Pond’s since elementary school but have recently let my dear pal go and hibernate in the back of the cabinet. I’ve tried Proactive and other big name products and still no luck; they caused more breakouts and my skin to become flaky! Then randomly one day when  strolling down the Target aisles, I picked up Cetaphil. Everyone and their mothers swear by it and I finally see why. Within 2 days of washing my face, my skin was radiant and soft. It’s pure perfection and if you’re not using it, go get some.


Facial Moisturizer- St. Ives Timeless Skin Collagen Elastin Facial Moisturizer


Like I said previously, I used Pond’s for my entire life but as I get older, I’ve noticed my skin is changing, especially as the seasons pass. Though my skin is oily, once in a while my face will get overly flaky and dry; mostly due to me experimenting with different cleansers. I’ve finally found a moisturizer that does its job by refreshing my skin and not clogging my pores. You just need a small dollop to cover your face, neck, and chest and you’re good for the day! It’s very light and also helps firm your skin. It’s a great product and I wouldn’t use anything else.


Facial Scrub- St. Ives Apricot Scrub


Ok, I know I sound redundant and a spokesperson for St. Ives but if it’s not broke, don’t fix it! St. Ives Apricot Scrub is a facial product that I use 1 to 2 times a week depending on the season and how much makeup I wear. It helps with blemish control as well as making my skin feel silky smooth. It’s a steal!


Summer Glow- Victoria’s Secret Beach Sexy Self Tanning Tinted Lotion


I know I just posted an article listing the top self tanners for 2014, but as a Florida girl, I know tanners! I’ve pretty much tried them all and I’m not too fond of many that are on the shelves (not saying those products aren’t great but they just don’t work for my skin). It wasn’t until last year that I tried Victoria’s Secret brand of tanners and bronzers. The Beach Sexy Self Tanning Tinted Lotion is amazing and a little goes a long way. It’s very simple to use because you just put on your standard body lotion/body butter and add just a tiny bit of the tinted lotion on top of it. Make sure you blend it well and wash your hands of course! It lasts for a few days, adds a beautiful glow to your skin, and it doesn’t smell like your standard tanner.  It’s worth the try and one step closer to looking like those mutants AKA Victoria’s Secret Angels!


Nail Polish- OPI Samoan Sand


I’ve been obsessing over nudes lately just because they are so simple and sophisticated. I’m normally a black nail type of girl because I feel that’s fashionable but I’m so tired of people asking me if I’m depressed or goth. Really people, black nail polish does not reflect a person’s mood! I like black but I think I’ve been converted to the light side. The perks of this color, in my opinion, is that it’s not brown, white or pink. It’s a solid neutral that goes with everything!


Hair- Bumble & Bumble Tonic Lotion and Styling Creme


My hairstylist, Allie, in Raleigh, NC introduced me to these amazing hair products 2 years ago. Bumble and Bumble is a solid line of products that are worth the splurge. It’s pure quality and works with different types of hair. The Tonic Lotion made a great change to my scalp. It’s a light spray that I put in my hair when it’s damp and usually every other day I lightly mist it into my scalp. I normally have an itchy scalp and Allie noticed that it was red and flaky. She told me to spray the tonic lotion on my scalp and it acts as a refresher to the hair. Ever since then my head hasn’t itched once! It’s truly wonderful! The Styling Creme I only use when my hair was damp or I’m doing some necessary teasing to my mane. It adds a kick of volume and you only need a tiny bit around the crown area. To be honest, I’ve used these products for 2 years and I’m using the same bottles. So, it may be a tad more expensive than drug store products, but you definitely get what you pay for!


My favorite products aren’t always pricey and the popular go to names but these are amazing, high quality items. These are based on my opinions and my personal experiences. All of these products can be found in your local drug store except Victoria’s Secret Beach Sexy Self Tanning Tinted Lotion (obviously!)  for an affordable price! If you’re looking to change products or always open to try something new, check these out! Word to your Mother!