
I’m 99% Sure I’m a Disney Princess!


Disney Princesses are the first role models that little girls have and aspire to be…and few of us do believe that we are truly princesses. Can you blame any young girl or even a grown woman for desiring these girls? They have beautiful, flowing hair, flawless skin, and always seem to look perfect even if they’re under the sea and just around the riverbend. Side note, this is meant to be funny because I know some readers tend to take everything seriously, so yeah!

Snow White 


The most of annoying voice of them all, Snow White has taught women to not eat the forbidden fruit but to clean a house for diamond miners! She gets 7x worth of diamonds….gold digger? On a serious note, always have a good mirror; one that tells you who the fairest of them all is. It’s you of course! Take a good look in the mirror everyday and know that you are beautiful!




A good pair of shoes will change your life. In Cinderelly’s case, a glass slipper took her away from her psychotic step family and away from being a servant. She now, because of her shoe size, married a prince and is now living happily ever after. Whether they’re on clearance at Target or those beloved red bottomed Louboutins, a great shoe can make a difference. Though, it may not be life changing, it metaphorically can! If they look good, you feel good, and that’s all that matters! So, dress your feet up. You deserve it!



Sleeping Beauty


Personally, Aurora is my favorite Disney Princess, so I’m biased by saying she’s the most beautiful of them all. What I learned from Ms. Briar Rose is that rest and relaxation is important and crucial if you want to escape evil (aka dark circles and a poor complexion).   Who doesn’t love a good nap, right? I mean, this girl slept for 100 years and when she awoke, she looked stunning! So, when I sleep until noon on the weekend, it’s not because I’m lazy, it’s because I’m practicing my skin regimen. Can I also add, all she had to do was dance in a forest and then sleep, and she got a hot prince. That’s a very low maintenance couple! Sleeping Beauty also taught me that if you can’t choose between 2 items (or colors in her case), you should get both! Though it wasn’t necessarily her decision with a pink or blue dress, Briar Rose’s giving fairies gave her both a pink and blue dress! I know when I’m shopping and I can’t decided between 2 colors or shirts or whatever it is, I always end up getting both! Why wouldn’t you if they both look fab!


The Little Mermaid

Legs are required for jumping, dancing….you gotta have a nice set of legs! Ariel made a deal with Ursula to give up her voice for legs so she could get a man. And you know what, it worked! Take care of those stems, work ’em out, shave them, moisturize, and if you’re like me, add some bronzer. It’s summertime, show them off! PS: She makes beach hair look amazing!



Beauty and The Beast


Tale as old as time, Belle has always been our favorite bookworm and that’s sexy. She’s got brains! When she hooked up with the beast, he gave her a gigantic library that we’ve been drooling over for 20 years (man, that makes me feel old), but you know what so many girls look over in this movie, her talking armoire. A talking closet! Now that’s cool! If you’re lucky enough to have a wardrobe that can help you pick out the most fabulous outfit, take it and run! And for the men, the beast made beards hot! There’s absolutely nothing wrong with a man with some hair on the face. Honestly, when he turned into a prince, he wasn’t that great looking, I preferred The Beast!


I believe in fairytales and that every girl should be treated like a princess! You don’t need a castle, a prince, or even animals to clean your house; even though we’d all prefer that! It’s fun to splurge and to just be a girl once in a while. A little glitter never hurt anyone! Take some pointers from our favorite royal beauties and sing along, you know you still know all the words!

And they all lived happily ever after!
